forest industry

Metsäteollisuus ry:n EU-asioista vastaava johtaja Kaisu Karvala katsoo kohti kameraa.

On the road to sustainability

“Strategies have previously been developed for the bioeconomy, but traditionally the bioeconomy has remained in a secondary role in EU projects or has only been

Lappeenrannan-Lahden teknillisen yliopiston dekaani Mari Kallioinen-Mänttäri katsoo kohti kameraa.

Diving deeper into side streams

Mari Kallioinen-Mänttäri, Dean of the Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology LUT, points out that the forest is a scarce resource, but almost unimaginably abundant in its

Teknologiateollisuus ry:n toimitusjohtaja Jaakko Hirvola katsoo kohti kameraa.

Crisis resilience is here to stay

The CEO of Technology Industries of Finland, Jaakko Hirvola, takes a positive view, even though demand in the technology industry is diminishing and the number

Kaisu Karvala, Metsäteollisuus ry:n EU-asioista vastaava johtaja, katsoo kohti kameraa.

A stronger voice in Brussels 

“Forest policy is clearly seen as part of climate and environmental policies: forest strategy, biodiversity, forest regulation, taxonomy and so on. The EU is continuously

The well-being of forests guarantees a bright future

In March, the Finnish forest industry published renewed responsibility commitments, valid until 2025. The objective is to promote forest management, sustainable production and the circular economy, as well as social well-being.