circular economy

Elinkeinoelämän keskusliiton vihreän kasvun johtaja Ulla Heinonen.

Forward with clean energy 

“In development, it is vital that Finland achieves its national targets in carbon neutrality and stopping the loss of biodiversity. At the same time,  it

Biofuel from Äänekoski

EcoEnergy SF biogas plant is under construction in Äänekoski in central Finland next to Metsä Group bioproduct mill. Its production is based on the processing

The well-being of forests guarantees a bright future

In March, the Finnish forest industry published renewed responsibility commitments, valid until 2025. The objective is to promote forest management, sustainable production and the circular economy, as well as social well-being.

The clock is ticking for the circular economy

Finnish enterprises need to share experiences and welcome incentives and common rules to convert theory and potential into profitable business activities. The circular economy is