In English

Paper is still needed

Kati ter Horst heads Stora Enso’s paper business in a situation where the entire industry has gone through a major change, brought on by gradually declining demand. Yet paper is still a big business.

The third life of a paper machine

The modernised mill of Stora Enso in Varkaus is in brand new shape and ready to give an increasingly efficient response to the changing global demand for forest industry products. Late last year, with help of a diverse network of partners, the mill’s fine paper producing paper machine PM3 was converted into a machine that produces packaging board.

A bio-based pouch for crisps and nuts

VTT developed a fully bio-based food package with excellent technical properties. The stand-up pouch is coated with, among other things, nanocellulose produced with the HefCel method.

Sifting through new talent

Even though urbanisation, environmental values and the spread of online commerce are creating new business opportunities, you cannot draw a straight line from megatrends to the growth outlooks of Finnish businesses operating in the bioeconomy sector.

A bioeconomy mythbuster

An unprecedented jam of EU regulations and Brexit are producing question marks, but CEPI’s Deputy Director General Jori Ringman still believes the bioeconomy to hold more promises than threats.

Lignin goes further than energy

Traditionally, lignin – the substance that binds wood fibres – has been incinerated along with black liquor in a pulp mill’s soda recovery boiler. The result has been steam and heat for energy use. The exploitation of lignin is nevertheless expanding, since a new technology is also opening doors for its use in bioeconomy applications.