In English

Kivipuu, "Stone Wood" in the canopy of the Helsinki Olympic Stadium spectator stands.

Stone makes wood durable 

If you have visited the Helsinki Olympic Stadium since its multiyear renovation was completed in autumn 2020, you are guaranteed to have noticed the impressive

Yleisöä istumassa Tampere-talon salissa.

More and cleaner from less 

The 2024 Forest Based Industries (FBI) Day was held on 24 January at Tampere Hall. It was organised by the Finnish Forest Products Engineers’ Association

Mariam Icar katsoo kohti kameraa.

Have lessons been learned?

When skills can be tested, it motivates both learners and organisations to actively use digital materials. The opportunity to test for yourself whether you have

Stora Enson Biomaterials-divisioonan innovaatiojohtaja Lauri Lehtonen katsoo kohti kameraa.

Developing business models   

The forest industry needs an increase in added value.  “That is what I think about almost constantly in my day job,” says Stora Enso’s Head

Elinkeinoelämän keskusliiton vihreän kasvun johtaja Ulla Heinonen.

Forward with clean energy 

“In development, it is vital that Finland achieves its national targets in carbon neutrality and stopping the loss of biodiversity. At the same time,  it

Teknologiateollisuus ry:n toimitusjohtaja Jaakko Hirvola katsoo kohti kameraa.

Crisis resilience is here to stay

The CEO of Technology Industries of Finland, Jaakko Hirvola, takes a positive view, even though demand in the technology industry is diminishing and the number