In English

The right choices and how to make them

Annica Bresky, President and CEO of Stora Enso, believes that protecting biodiversity and carbon sinks can be consolidated with the needs of the forest industry.

Kaisu Karvala, Metsäteollisuus ry:n EU-asioista vastaava johtaja, katsoo kohti kameraa.

A stronger voice in Brussels 

“Forest policy is clearly seen as part of climate and environmental policies: forest strategy, biodiversity, forest regulation, taxonomy and so on. The EU is continuously

All about forest bioeconomy in a convenient package

The digital learning environment ForestBioFacts compiles research and information about forest bioeconomy in an accessible format. The learning environment was designed for professionals and students from upper secondary schools to universities.

Bioeconomy at a crossroads

While the new applications of energy production are evolving, the current level of innovation and product development are not sufficient for breaking away from oil.