FTP—a platform for cooperation
The technological community strengthens the common voice of the European forest sector.
The technological community strengthens the common voice of the European forest sector.
Analysis Riitta Hänninen Senior Scientist Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke): “The customs duties of the United States are creating waves in the market for sawn
In the economic evolution driven by creative destruction, market dynamics destroys the slow and spares the fast.
Kati ter Horst heads Stora Enso’s paper business in a situation where the entire industry has gone through a major change, brought on by gradually declining demand. Yet paper is still a big business.
The modernised mill of Stora Enso in Varkaus is in brand new shape and ready to give an increasingly efficient response to the changing global demand for forest industry products. Late last year, with help of a diverse network of partners, the mill’s fine paper producing paper machine PM3 was converted into a machine that produces packaging board.
VTT developed a fully bio-based food package with excellent technical properties. The stand-up pouch is coated with, among other things, nanocellulose produced with the HefCel method.
Partnerships reaching into the future arise in various forms in different companies.
According to Janne Laine, bioeconomy needs success stories for the most promising people in younger generations to get interested in the field.
The researchers of VTT and Aalto University were able to create a new composite material combining cellulose nanofibres and synthetic spider silk.
According to the statistics of Finnish Customs, the value of forest industry exports amounted to approximately EUR 6.8 billion in January–July 2015.
Puunvuoro / Legendium Oy
Kutomo Business Park
Kutomotie 16
00380 Helsinki